Jeffery Taubenberger, |
An ecological catastrophe has changed the face of Northern China. The warnings of Beijing�s harshest critics have come true. Yet as the world�s most populous nation teeters on the brink of collapse, only its panicked leaders know the full extent of the disaster. Fearing they will be blamed for its grisly toll, the Politburo gather in secrecy inside the city�s famed Temple of Heaven�and issue instructions for the Army�s top gene-technologist to initiate a startling plan of action to guarantee their survival... Across the Pacific in San Diego, Richard Kirby, a promising biochemist at Immunological Technologies prepares to announce a breakthrough in medicine. His introduction of a third strand into the double helix of Watson and Crick will unite organic chemistry with gene therapy, and ignite the imagination of millions... But when Kirby travels to Geneva to make public the news, he inadvertently sets in motion a chain of events that threatens to derail more than just Beijing�s carefully scripted plans for the U.S. Kirby also impedes the White House�s last-ditch strategy for dealing with Camilla Montoya�Mexico�s troublesome first woman president�when he attracts the fiery leader�s attention at a WHO conference. From the moment of that chance meeting, until Kirby and Montoya�s eventful reunion at its biologically alarming conclusion, NINTH DAY OF CREATION explores that rarely-glimpsed world borne of science and politics in full collision, and delivers a tale so convincingly-detailed as to guarantee its unique placement among science thrillers. Now available at